Distilled Wisdom-The Beginning of Wisdom, Part I

Somewhere along the way in my mid-late teens, it hit me that I needed more wisdom. Maybe it was when I decided to read a chapter of Proverbs each day. A proverb is defined as a short, pithy statement in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice. The book of Proverbs acts like a daily wisdom guide, and it’s greatest piece of wisdom comes from Chapter 4, verse 7, which reads, “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.” The promise for wisdom-seekers is that wisdom will exalt you, honor you, and crown you with a graceful garland and beautiful crown.

As I began seeking wisdom, I learned that the wisest person to walk the face of the Earth (besides Jesus, who is called the Wisdom of God) was a wisdom-seeker first-and-foremost. His name was Solomon, and he came to the throne of Israel at an early age. God asked Solomon to request anything. As a young king, he could’ve asked for power, popularity, or possessions. However, he simply asked for wisdom. Because he asked for wisdom, God gave Solomon wisdom. With the wisdom came exactly what was and is promised in Proverbs 4:7. While he was imperfect and had flaws, Solomon has been exalted as the wisest king/person to ever live and was wealthier than any single individual to ever live (it’s estimated that his net worth would translate to $2Trillion in today’s economy). I’m not suggesting anyone get wisdom to become the wisest or wealthiest person ever to live, but I am suggesting that you will become wiser and wealthier in the areas that matter most. This blog exists to help you grow wiser in those areas of life: faith, family, fitness, finances, and a full life. Check back each day for distilled wisdom!

Today’s distilled wisdom:

  1. Get wisdom!
  2. Come back tomorrow for The Beginning of Wisdom, Part II.

*If you’re interested in personal coaching for church leadership, church growth, increasing operational or capital giving, please contact me directly.

11 thoughts on “Distilled Wisdom-The Beginning of Wisdom, Part I

  1. Thanks for taking the time to post this blog. I’ll def subscribe & look forward to your future blogs.
    George Scarborough – Milton, GA

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, George. I’m definitely not the wisest person, but I love learning. More than that, I love sharing what I learn. Hopefully, some of it will be helpful. If you find something is helpful to you, it’s probably going to be helpful for others. I’d appreciate the share!


      1. We are studying Wisdom in the Christian tradition in our Sunday School class. Perfect timing as, I too thirst for God’s learning.


      2. Michael Turner is Leading us through Bible verses from Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Paul James as we move from Old Testament to New Testament. You would enjoy his teaching style. He sends us a weekly reading and then we discuss.


  2. Enjoyed reading this. In today’s climate of high emotions and confusion, wisdom is certainly something I long for. At times it is difficult to reconcile wisdom of the mind and wisdom of the heart. A troubled heart can hinder our quest for wisdom, as it hinders any good from God. Just a few thoughts…


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